Saving arms

Because God is Able!

We Are Saving Arms

We are an organization that holds hope for the street children of Uganda. We work with children aged 10 to 18, many of whom have fled their homes due to abuse, the death of parents, or extreme poverty. Upon arriving in Soroti, a town in northern Uganda, they search for a new life. However, life on the streets is often harsher than they can initially manage. As a result, many of these children turn to kerosene (jet fuel) as a drug. This helps them to forget their worries, sleep more easily, and feel less hunger. Our mission is to help them by being present in their lives on the street, reconnecting them with their families where possible, and providing support as needed. We also offer them a place in our rehabilitation home. By providing essential needs such as food, water, education, and safety, we believe these children have a greater chance of building a hopeful future!


The arm of the Lord is not to short to save

We value


We work together with Ugandan, qualified professionals who speak the language and understand the culture. This enables them to connect with street children and bring positive change to the communities they come from.

 Child protection

At Saving Arms, we place the child and their needs at the center. We are committed to providing the right personal care for every child living on the streets. The desires and rights of each child are our priority.

 Faith Based

WWe believe that the love of Jesus is greater than poverty. Together with God, we can make a difference in the lives of children affected by poverty and addiction.

    help us create changes

    In the lives of the Street Children of Uganda

    About Us

    Saving Arms is a faith-based organization that works with underprivileged communities to improve the lives of underprivileged children in Uganda, promoting the well-being of children in slums, ghettos, streets and villages,,

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    What We Do

    • We can provide 30-40 boys with an daily meal.
    • We organize soccer training and matches every week..
    • We want to introduce them to the love of Jesus.
    • We provide the boys with safe shelter, education and proper care

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    Do you want to support the work we do? Then read on and contact us.

    organize a

    • Sleep one Night in a Box
    • Zip your lip

    Or invite us for a Presentation

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